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Clouds in the Sky
Senior Doctor

Great Care Costs Less.

Welcome to
The Next Level!



When discussing cost containment in healthcare, we don't mean cutting back on necessary care or taking away patient benefits.  Instead, we address finding intelligent ways to identify waste and improve efficiencies.  In addition to providing our core products, we can provide a host of products and services that complement one another and bring additional value.



 Healthcare Cost Optimization Solutions


  • Price efficiency per procedure and on a longitudinal basis (all costs for treating a specific diagnosis)

  • Quality using multiple, independent credible data sources with all metrics weighted for diagnostic relevance.

  • Every condition, primary/secondary/tertiary diagnosis (both episodic and chronic)

  • Proactively matching patients to optimal providers (price efficiency and quality on a diagnosis-specific basis with Intel Innovation Award-winning technology)




Woman on Her Computer


Yoga by the Pool


Controlling Room Temperature


Clinic Waiting Area



Cost containment strategies benefit the bottom line which is what the healthcare industry needs.

By effectively managing risk and reducing unnecessary expenses, organizations can increase profitability and ensure long-term financial stability.


NHS Client Solutions:

  1. Prioritize cost containment strategies that optimize operational efficiencies

  2. ​Renegotiate supplier contracts

  3. Leverage technology to streamline processes

These efforts include implementing cost-saving digital health solutions that reduce operational costs and improve resource allocation. The savings gained from these strategies can be reinvested into the business to foster innovation, enhance service offerings, and support growth initiatives.

With a strong focus on cost containment, NHS solutions provide clients with a competitive edge, enabling them to offer more competitive pricing or better value without compromising quality. By strengthening the financial health of a business, NHS solutions allow companies to thrive in an increasingly dynamic market environment.

These strategies support short-term financial goals, and contribute to the long-term success of NHS clients, positioning them for sustainable growth and resilience.


Marble Surface

Risk Assessment Tools / AI

Cost Containment Consulting 

Risk Management Software

Risk ManagementSoftware & Services

Featured Services

Vendor  Contracting & Wholesale Pricing

Advanced AI Software Solutions 

Advanced Wellness Solutions 

Digital Health Platforms

Get an Assesment

If you would like more information on our cost containment solutions, software, medical devices or AI options and pricing or have an Request for Proposal for a project, please send us your info and we will respond. Thank you

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